Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The everyday benefits of the Bug Out Bag

Over the recent holidays, we got to see a minor incident made better by the presence of a Bug Out Bag (BOB). We had given our 18 year-old her own kit for the holidays, as I mentioned here. We convinced her to take it with her for our trip over Christmas. Good thing we did, too!

We were driving back home on Christmas day. I was ill, so my wife was forced to do the bulk of the driving. There were 5 of us in the truck, 3 human and 2 dogs. We had just pulled into a gas station to change up drivers and get something to keep us going when there was an "Oh crap" from the back seat. Our niece had just spilled something on the seat. Not just something, but about 1/4 of her Strawberry coolata from Dunkin Donuts. You know the kind, basically artificial flavor, corn syrup, and Red Dye #5. Yeah, all over my truck seat. Needless to say, I was not happy! I informed her she had better find a way to clean it up as best she could before we moved on.

When we came back out of the gas station, having looked for something stain removing, I asked if she had anything in her BOB that would help. She went digging and pulled out SHOUT! wipes, which turned out to do a quick and fabulous job of getting all the staining deep red out of the seat. So, with very little to be angry about anymore, I took the opportunity to point out how preparedness had saved the day, we loaded into the truck, and went the rest of the way home.

In short, not every emergency is a major one, but a little prep can help each time!


  1. Well, that was probably a better solution than having Freke and Bayla lap it up. ;^)
